10 Ways to Craft Compelling Content for the Customer Journey.

Ten ways to create content based on customer buying intent:

Understanding these stages is essential for developing a targeted and effective marketing strategy.

1. Create blog posts that provide general information about your industry or product to attract potential customers at the Tofu stage.

2. Develop comparison guides or case studies to help customers evaluate your product or service against competitors at the Mofu stage.

3. Offer free trials, demos, or consultations to help customers decide at the Bofu stage.

4. Use social media to share educational content that builds brand awareness and trust at the Tofu stage.

5. Create explainer videos that showcase your product or service features and benefits at the Mofu stage.

6. Develop customer reviews and testimonials to provide social proof and build trust at the Bofu stage.

7. Offer exclusive discounts or promotions to incentivize customers to purchase at the Bofu stage.

8. Create email campaigns that target specific customer segments based on their stage in the buying journey.

9. Use retargeting ads to remind potential customers about your product or service after they have visited your website at the Mofu or Bofu stage.

10. Develop interactive content such as quizzes or assessments that engage potential customers at the Tofu stage and help them understand their needs and preferences. 

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Professor Mckinney

Lead Instructor, Designer, Creative Director, Business Coach, Leadership Workshop facilitator,Serial Entrepreneur, and Keynote Speaker.

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